A sustainable park: present and future of the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park
November 10th and 11th were two days dedicated to environmental sustainability, the theme dealt with in the conference organized by the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park. It was also an opportunity to learn about the research in progress and the numerous initiatives in which the Park is involved.
Ample space was also dedicated to our Seaforest LIFE project, we described the activities carried out and those in progress.

New monitoring of Posidonia in Porto Infreschi
In Cala degli Infreschi, in the National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, new monitoring was carried out on the pilot plant of Posidonia oceanica created as part of the C5 action of the project. The purpose of the action is the reuse of plant reproductive material (seeds and sprouts) of beached Posidonia for the thickening of habitat 1120 *.
The installation and monitoring were possible thanks also to the precious support of the underwater division of the Carabinieri section of Naples. Since the last visit, it has been found that the critical phase of taking root has now passed and it seems that everything is going for the best.

The SEAFOREST LIFE project was presented today at the ESP 2022 Ecosystem services empowering people and societies in times of crises conference.
In fact, we were invited to take part in the Emerging issues in ES science, policy & practice session.
HERE you can download the conference program
HERE you can download the presentation of the SEAFOREST LIFE project

Another article in a scientific journal
"3D-Reconstruction of a Giant Posidonia oceanica Beach Wrack (Banquette): Sizing Biomass, Carbon and Nutrient Stocks by Combining Field Data With High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry" this is the title of the recently published scientific article, also thanks to the contribution of our LIFE project.
The text can be consulted and downloaded on the website of the Frontiers in Marine Scince journal at this link.

Second monitoring on the Posidonia oceanica pilot plant
The second monitoring was carried out on the Posidonia oceanica pilot plant in Cala degli Infreschi in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park.
Thanks also to the precious support of the underwater division of the Carabinieri section of Naples, it was possible to see that the critical phase of taking root has now passed and it seems that everything is going for the best.