The new brochure of SEAFOREST LIFE is online!
The new brochure of SEAFOREST LIFE is available online! If you wish to download it, you can find it here.

SEAFOREST LIFE @ Slow Fish in Genoa on May 10th!
SEAFOREST LIFE partecipated at the event Slow Fish in Genoa, on the 10th of May!
Slow Fish is an event completely dedicated to the sea, its economy and sustainable fishing. The theme of the 2019 edition was "The Sea: the common good". Many topics related to the environment and climate change have been presented, and it is here that the SEA FOREST project has been inserted, with a space in which we have told our commitment to the protection of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and the fight against climate change in act.

First monitoring visit of the SEAFOREST LIFE!
The first monitoring visit of the SEAFOREST project with the LIFE monitor Mascha Stroobant was held in Pratovecchio-Stia (AR) today, at the headquarters of the coordinating beneficiary DREAm Italia, in order to verify the progress and impact of the SEAFOREST LIFE project!

Collection of Posidonia fruits beached in Sardinia!
The coordinator of the project SEAFOREST LIFE, DREAm Italia - Progetti europei, together with the researchers Ispra - Higher Institute for Protection and Research ..., collect the first beached fruits of Posidonia oceanica in a beach of Stintino (SS)! This exceptional stranding of the fruits, in this period and in such large quantities, due to the rough conditions of the sea and the strong winds, is however not a good sign: if the plants in the sea lose their fruit, it means that the blooms will not be so abundant . All this is the intangible effect of climate change underway ...
Here are the so-called "sea olives" ... or the fruits of the Posidonia oceanica seagrass! this is why it is not an alga: it has flowers and fruits, unlike the algae that have none of this.

Technical meetings with the Sardinian Parks involved in the project
On 28-29 March the project coordinator DREAm Italia - European Projects, together with ISPRA - National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Water Right Foundation and CNR IAS, met in Sardinia the contacts of the Asinara National Park and the National Park of the La Maddalena Archipelago, 2 of the 3 parks involved in SEAFOREST LIFE. The purpose of the technical meetings was to verify the latest existing data on the Posidonian meadows monitors in the 2 Marine Protected Areas, and then discuss the principles and operation of the Mooring Plan envisaged by action C.2.
Meeting at the Asinara National Park
Meeting at the La Maddalena National Park