In LIFE projects, collaboration among projects dealing with similar issues is very important, in order to exchange experiences and objectives. This is why we have launched networking actions with the following LIFE projects:


POSBEMED 2 develops planning strategies that enhance the value of the Posidonia beach-dune environment and integrate them into the overall coastal strategy, while also addressing concerns and educating stakeholders, based on findings of the previous project (POSBEMED). Furthermore, POSBEMED 2 addresses key knowledge gaps, providing information that will enhance management decisions on adaptation, policies, planning and promotion in Protected Areas.



STRONG SEA - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost Nets Sea LIFE - is a project funded under the LIFE programme, priority area Nature and Biodiversity, on the funds established in the 2014-2020 programme. The project formally started in December 2021 and has a duration of 5 years.

The aim of the project is to protect and improve the conservation status of Posidonia oceanica and Coralligenous priority habitats, both included in Directive 92/43 / EEC (Habitat Directive) and in the Natura 2000 network of sites.



BESS - Pocket Beaches Remote Monitoring Systems

“Bess” Pocket Beach Management & Remote Surveillance System is a project co-funded by the European Union, lasting 30 months, coordinated by prof. Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Rettore dell’Università di Messina (MIFT-UNIME). This project brings together two Maltese partners the Ministry of Godo and Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics (ICoD)  togetherwith three Sicilian partners: l’Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT-UNIME), l’Università di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (DiSTeM-Unipa), l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

POCKET BEACHES (hereafter PB), literally “pocket-shaped” beaches, are small beaches limited by natural headlands, strongly jutting into the sea, free from direct sedimentary contributions that are not eroded from back-shore cliffs. Along the Maltese and Sicilian coasts are several PB, which depending on their isolation and level of exposure, preserve ecological niches of great value, and thus represent relic deposits, formed under different conditions from those currently experienced, suggesting a response naturally resilient to the effects of climatic changes.


The main objective of the LIFE Blue Natura project is to quantify carbon deposits and abortion rates of peat bogs and seagrass meadows in Andalucia, a region in southern Spain. The emphasis will be placed on what is accumulated in the seabed, analyzing the expected future developments, from the rate of carbon loss to potential carbon fixation and accumulation rates, and the ratio of carbon emission/sequestration into the atmosphere by damaged grasslands. This information will allow a rough quantification of the ecosystem services created by these habitats. This should also encourage existing initiatives to fund conservation and restoration projects of habitats containing blue carbon reserves and the development of key policies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, with particular attention to carbon emissions trading or carbon credit market.


The Life SEPOSSO project, Supporting Environmental governance for the POSidonia oceanica Sustainable transplanting Operations, supported by our partner ISPRA, aims to improve the Italian Governance of Posidonia oceanica transplants, a priority marine habitat 1120 * sensu Habitat Directive (1992/43/EEC), performed to compensate for damage caused by coastal works and infrastructures. The project makes use of the collaboration of numerous stakeholders with which to design and apply best practices and innovative software tools, which will increase the effectiveness of planning and control of transplantation activities. This will make it possible to contribute to the implementation of European environmental legislation (EIA-2014/52/EU and MSP-2014/89/EU) and to make citizens aware of the importance and respect of Posidonia oceanica meadows and of the marine sites within Natura 2000 network.

Are you a subject interested in the conservation of Posidonia oceanica, carbon credits or other issues of our project?

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